mr shopper

Monday 15 April 2013

New Life.... New Perspective

Who do we live for? Something that I constantly ask myself. I guess we each live life for different things at different stage of our life. What's importance to me is not necessarily important to others. What's importance to me there and then might not be as important to me now.
During my childhood and growing up days, I live life for my mum. Being the eldest in the family, I knew I need to set a good role model whether I like it or not.. Like in school, I had no idea what the purpose of studying? Why must we study? All I knew back then was I need good grade to please my mum. I need to set good example as a studious brother to my siblings.. but HELL do I hate school.. for some unknown reason I wasn't well-like in school and didn't have many friends back then so I hated school even more.. As much as I hated schooling.. Well I did miraculously passed out with mediocre grade which enable me to enter polytechnic.
Guess what, I entered poly to please my mum again. First child in the family to get into Poly.. it did seem like a big deal in my family at that point of time. Anyway my grade was so bad that I've no other choice but "Engineering"... WTF is Engineering??!! WTH is "Telecommunication"??!! - the subject that I majored in... I HAD NO IDEA AT ALL?! Did I asked myself...
What do I want in life? "NO"
What do I wanna do when I grow up? "NO"
What do I like in life? What is my passion? "NO"  
All I knew was "YEAH I'm officially a poly student and screw the uniform life"..
Well that's me, the darkest dude in the house.. as you can see I simply does not fit in the group at all!haha.. I started skimboarding back then.. I love the sea.. the sand and the sea.. I had not a clue what's going on back then all I knew was I couldn't wait to get to the beach every weekend!! Guess what?! I did passed out with a Diploma!~ Steady bo?! As my studies days was finally over.. due to some highly confidential personal reason I signed on to join the Air Force for my mum. The 5 years spent was the worse time of my life and I shall not blogged about it.
During my times inside, I've given in much thought and decided that I should start to live life for myself and not for anyone else anymore.. My mum did asked me to think for myself too.. She's a really good and supportive mum if not I wouldn't have lived a fraction of my life for her.. *Till this point it must have been pretty clear that I'm raise in a single parent family. Nothing to be ashamed of.. really.. So what if I got a Fcuk up dad that mess up everything?! I "thank" him for all the suffering he put me through which molded me into what I am today.. I don't love him and I don't hate him simple as that.. so f him*
This was the first turning point of my life at the age of 25, I started to think for my future.. to truly live life for myself.. I eventually got myself planned for the following..
  • Make a lot of money in the shortest time possible (I joined the Real Estate Industry)
  • A lot of travelling... skim trip.. shopping trip.. skim trip.. shopping trip
  • Get a bachelor degree majoring in something I am interested in (Marketing)
  • Save up and marry the girl that I love dearly. (Wedding preparation)
I stayed focus on my goals, work hard.. like really freaking hard and I achieved more then what I set off for.. What I can say is I was really driven for "money" and materialistic achievement back then.. I wanted to drive a really good car, I wanted to shop freely without looking at the price tag, I wanted to book air ticket and travel as and when I like.. All I need to do is work hard!! Chong chong chong for $$$... I was really Aggressive.. Nothing could get in my way... I always say this to myself "世上只有懒人没有穷人" I devoted my life to my work because to me $$$ was "EVERYTHING"...  

  Live life in style. Luxury living.
 Never would I have imagine the day will come that I am mentally ready to forgo "everything" that I've always wanted. The indulgences, the desired high life and all the riches.. It doesn't seem to matter as much anymore... I am no longer as hungry as what I used to be.. my definition of success and my pursuit of happiness seem to have taken a change towards a new perspective.
Even since "she" entered my life...
Daddy love you..
And I am proud to say that I now live my life for you and mummy...
In whatever I do..
My baby girl Clarissa 赵乐宣

1 comment:

  1. So touched to see your blog. Money and power isn't the most important.. Being able to spend quality time with our baby and watching her grow up to be a happy n healthy girl is our priority. Hope we can manage work life balance well.
