mr shopper

Monday 22 April 2013

TAIWAN SKIM TRIP 2013 (Day 1 & 2 Taipei)

My 1st Travel blog.. It will not be informative.. haha.. I'll let the pictures do the talking and throw in abit of captions based on my memories here and there.. Now let's go to Taiwan!! Woohoo..


Yes this is not your typical Taiwan holiday. It's a shopping + skim trip!!



Act tourist.. haha

 Taiwan here we come~

Arrived after approx. 4 hours ++. As usual Jetstar is the best.. Forget about Scootz... 


Freego bus take you to most of the hotel in Taipei for a really reasonable price like below $10 per pax. Avoid the taxi driver as they will charge like $50++


Ukulele.. Music on the go.. ~~


Map provided by the transport service to identify our hotel location


 Reach our hotel after 1 hr bus ride. Drop off our luggage at the reception and head to XMD for lunch. 


This is by far the worst meal I had in Taiwan... 干你拿 no wonder nobody


Remember the last time we were here not so bad one leh.. don't know why the standard drop...


Check-in at our Hotel Puri at the heart of Xi Men Ting for 1 night. Damage per night $130


Pretty decent room


We got Free upgrade to Deluxe room.. =)


Let go shopping!~


We went to Wu Fen Pu first but forget to take pictures cause too busy shopping.. Follow by Raohe St. Night market for dinner


Typical photo spot by tourist...


Upon entering my wife immediately chong this store.. Quite famous


Efficient productivity


Must eat while it's HOT! Crispy on the outside.. Juicy on the inside.. Song ah!


Our dinner 海鲜艮.. Quite nice this one.. got a lot of ho liao inside.. soup texture is abit like shark fin soup.. I also forget what's in there liao la.. I'm too hungry so I just whack everything..


This is oyster sauce tang hoon. Taste like shit


Dog shit


More dog shit...


Ok this is a dog..


Pet shop selling all kinda pets..


How the hell would someone sell goldfish in the middle of nowhere?!


Wife decide to pluck her eyebrow on the street by a gay shifu.. 

End of Day 1~~~~~~~~~~


A famous breakfast recommended by one of our local friend "Chieh Huang"


Check out the Q! Got Q means must be good la! *Singaporean style*


Different kind of combination for you to chose from


Bake on the spot in a giant cylinder oven


We ordered 咸豆浆 I don't know what's called in English.. Erm not really my kind of breakfast but it's apparently quite famous among the locals there la.. 



Got omelette inside and it's super crispy


My wife like it.. not surprising la as she's less picky about food.. she can eat almost anything 


Off to Beitou.. an area famous for hot spring bath.. there's a lot of hotel in the vicinity.. we settled for this SweetMe Hotspring Resort eventually after much consideration.. It's not the most expensive and also not the cheapest around.. About $30++ for 90mins.. ok la..


Went for some sight seeing around the vicinity tiring our feet before going for the bath.


School excursion. Lovely kids 


It's a small area actually. You can explored the whole area within an hour


Entrance to the Beitou Hot Spring Museum


I seriously don't appreciate museum and stones after stones of stones


Off to see the really hot spring.. like 90degree++ HOT


Notice the stream?! And the sulfur smell is really strong..


Time for skinny dip~ haha.. dip feet only la


你拿杯。。Slipped and fell on my ASs...


Stupid rocks..


Our private room


More privacy la.. Singaporean shy mah.. don't dare to let ppl see our Ku Ku bird and neh neh pok


Recharged!! Back to shopping at Shi Da Night Market recommended by our local friend "Ivy".. I felt that the clothes here was much better then Wu Fen Pu or Shilin Night Market.. It's more trendy and less common.. Did most of my shopping here.. Understand that most of the local prefer to shop here as well..


Beef noodles soup.


The soup is quite good. Noodle very Q. Beef also very well cook with no funny beef smell.


Yes I know this look really ugly. It's their version of Orh Jian "Oyster omelette". I ordered prawn instead of oyster.


Look ugly. Felt disgusting in the mouth. But I must say not bad la.. I finish the whole plate.

Continued shopping till about 8pm...

Upon returning back to our hotel, our local friend "Mickey" picked us up at our hotel to Shi Lin night market for dinner. So stroke to finally meet up with my skimmer friends from Taiwan "Eric, Nick, Yellow Man, Mickey", Japan "Tetsuya" and meet new friend from Hawaii "Keiao" ~


WTF is this shit?!!


爱玉冰 Very Q and nice drink!!

Had an early night because everyone had to set off down south to Kenting early the following day. 

End of Day 2~ 



  1. i enjoyed reading your blog it's very

  2. Thank you so much for your complement. Glad you enjoy reading my nonsense.. hahaha
