mr shopper

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Proud of Singapore Skimboarding Community

What the hell is Skimboarding or Skimboarders?!  Oh... are you referring to those fking morons "surfer wanna-be" with a mini surfer board hanging by the beach every weekend when there isn't even any wave to be seen at all?

Technically you are right.. We are those fking morons.. running from side to side along the beach every weekend.. running.. dropping.. sliding.. falling.. That's what we do best.. Run for 20metres... hangtime on the board or on the wave for less then 3 metres.. And can still smile like we are having a good times.. Yes I know it look stupid at times.. Well that's us.. We called ourselves "Skimboarder"

But guess what douchebag.. the board we are holding is not a surfboard.. it's called a skimboard you idiot.. It is not purely designed to surf wave so we don't need to have big wave and we are able to utilize them under any wave condition. It is specifically designed to let us glide on the sand out and ride the wave *of any size* back. Lesson time over. Go google "How to skimboard" if you are still keen to find out more.

Now that you are aware of what skimboarding is all about you might ask... but SINGAPORE how to skim? Where got waves? 360 out of 365 days a year it is almost as flat as fishing pond.. Skimboarding in Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan or any other countries still must sense as there will at least have some good wave periodically.. But Singapore is still plain stupid for the sport to begin with right?! How do u explain that?!

Sadly you are right.. Our lousy wave condition is a fact that we can't change.. Any government agency or sport council will never notice us or recognize our sport.. let not even talk about getting sponsor for our best riders to compete overseas.. NEVER.. We will always be a joke in the eyes of the general public.. All these are the HARD TRUTH that we are facing..

But why are we still doing this Skimming? Why are we still smiling when you are probably mocking at us? Let me explain to you my friends..


Heritage value.
We have came a long way. It will be quite sad to let the sport die in our generation. Look at the photo date.. taken in 1994.. At least 19 years!!

Although some have fallen but a lot are friendship are formed through the sport. Sharing all the pain and joy in all these years.


"I'm not referring to myself by the way"
this is me.. making an appearance on several occasion overseas.. introducing myself as a skimboarder from Singapore.. But if you think this is all Singapore skimboarders had to offer.. you are truly mess up and got it wrong my friends.. I am just a normal SG skimmer that is really passionate about the sport with skills far from what our top fews had to offer..


Izan "Superman grab"

Izan. Seeing is believing.

Izan. Fly fly fly

Izan. Olie re-entry

Izan. "Superman airwalk"

Izan. Simply riding

Amie. Izan elder brother
Amie. Taking it easy

Sham. Showing all he got in Penang comp


Alfian. Our Legend. Go google "Alfian Billabong"

Alfian. Launching in.
Zai. Brother of Amie and Izan.

Our home grown talent "Izan" among all other veterans such as Alfian, Amie, Sham, Zai winning competition across Asia.

Heritage Value, Friendship and Talents. These all the three key factors that kept us going. However, I'm not proud of Singapore skimmers because of how well our riders can ride or execute tricks, not because of the size of our community, not because of how far the sport had came... HELL NO!!.. In term of skills, our rider had much to improve.. In term of size of our community, our numbers are nothing compare to our neighboring countries but we are slowly rebuilding..


For example: Side slipping. Yes some of us are able to do it. BUT that's about it... If we are faced with good wave condition.. We side slip out and don't know WTF is up next.. How to turn the board back to original position.. wrapping etc.. BECAUSE we only practice side-slip-to-no-where during our flat wave condition.. "Come let try to reach the boat.. See who can go further.." That's all that we can do or practice. 

No matter how worse or fcuk up our wave condition, we are always skimming and smiling. Without fail, our skimmers will gather by the beach every weekend to enjoy the sport and had a great time at the beach encouraging one another. Trust me... given our condition.. anyone from anywhere would have quit skimboarding long ago and move on to other things in life.. BUT not for our boys!!
While competing overseas, the locals have months or years to season themselves with the wave condition. Our boys only had 1 day or so before the competition to experience the condition first hand.. bare in mind we are used to and only practice under totally flat environment. But we still do our best and prove our worth.
This sport have came a long way. A lot of us veteran skimmers are getting old and is slowly migrating towards promoting, motivating and educating the younger generation into the sport. Please show some respect and support for our community. We really want the future generation to enjoy the sport as much as we do. To all Singapore Skimboarders, young and old.. you guys are the best in my heart.. Keep the Passion burning.. I, Ben Teo will always ride along side with you till I can ride no more..

Do check out our community at the following links:

1 comment:

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